USAR Task Force Kit Traditional Rigging Kit
A good package for a truck or engine company that responds to over-the-side rescues or needs a vertical lift capability for trench or confined space rescues, this kit contains the primary rope rescue equipment on most of the FEMA and USAR requirements lists. For a communications capabiity, add the Con-Space USAR Task Force Kit. Products Included: #2 Rope Bag (2), Shasta Gear Bag, Fire-Rescue Harness (2), Litter Pack, Rectangular Litter, Rectangular Litter Insert, One-Piece Patient Tie-In Sys, Pelvic Harness, Rescue 8, Gibbs Ascender (2), Adjustable Litter Strap (4), FastLink Pick-Off Strap, ProSeries Manual-Lock (4), ProTech Auto-Lock, Etrier with Tie-In, Short Prusik Loop (5), ProSeries Litter Harness, ProSeries Litter Harness Bag, Edge Pad – XL (2), UltraPro 4 Edge Protector, FastLink Anchor Strap (2), Anchor Strap Sleeve (2), Truck Cache, 1/2? Rescue Lifeline – 200? (2), 1? Web – 72? (6×12?), 1? Web – 30? (6×5?), 1? Web – 90? (6×15?), 1? Web – 120? (6×20?), ProSeries Pulley (5), ProSeries Load Release Strap (2), Anchor Plate, Rescue Rack, ProSeries Screw-Lock (11), ProTech Oval, Long Prusik Loop, and Short Prusik Loop (2).