Piston Intake Relief Valve – Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel Piston & Cylinder. This truck inlet valve incorporates quick-connection, fast but controlled opening, with air bleeder and relief valve. 45° inlet provides smooth waterflow for reduced friction loss. This valve is covered by a 10 year warranty against failure due to corrosion. Call for pricing.
Product #InletOutletEaQuantity
H500S-40-45NH4" Storz4½" NH Female Swivel 2,679.17
H500S-40-50NH4" Storz5" NH Female Swivel2,641.67
H500S-40-60NH4" Storz6" NH Female Swivel2,645.83
H500S-50-45NH5" Storz4½" NH Female Swivel2,633.33
H500S-50-50NH5" Storz5" NH Female Swivel2,595.83
H500S-50-60NH5" Storz6" NH Female Swivel2,600.00
H500S-60-60NH6" Storz6" NH Female Swivel2,758.33