
Accessories such as collets collet bodies different length back caps gas lens collet bodies and nozzles must be ordered to complete the torch package. These accessories may be ordered in convenient accessory kits or can be ordered separately as needed.
Product #DescriptionPkQuantity
900-10N2210N22 Collet .040"8.93
900-10N2310N23 Collet 1/16" 5/pk5.15
900-10N2410N24 Collet 3/32" 5/pk5.15
900-10N24S10N24S Stubby Collet 3/32"5.94
900-10N2510N25 Collet 1/8" 5/pk5.15
900-10N25S10N25S Stubby Collet 1/8"5.94
900-13N2113N21 Collet .040" 5/pk6.48
900-13N2213N22 Collet 1/16" 5/pk4.48
900-13N22L13N22L Collet 1/16"4.27
900-13N2313N23 Collet 3/32"4.48
900-13N23L13N23L Collet 3/32"4.27
900-13N2413N24 Collet 1/8"5.01
900-13N24L13N24L Collet 1/8"4.27
900-24GLC33224Glc332 Gas Lenscollet7.56
900-53N1653N16 Collet .040"4.90
900-54N2054N20 Collet 5/32"17.51