Classic Disposable Smoke Generators

The Superior Smoke #3C generates a big 40,000 cubic feet of whitish gray smoke while burning from two to three minutes. Our most popular item for firemen training. Size 1 1/2” x 5”. Mailable. Shipping weight 5lbs. per dozen. The Superior Smoke #W3C generates approximately 40,000 cubic feet of whitish gray smoke in two to three minutes; double wicked with quick clips furnished for multiple units extending smoke generating time. The Superior Smoke #1A generates 4000 cubic feet of smoke in thirty seconds. Size 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”. Mailable. Shipping weight 2 lbs. per dozen.Versatile; Training officers can place these randomly into 55 gallon drums to develop controlled “unexpected” occurrences. No power source required. Produces huge volumes of pungent white smoke. Excellent for creating realistic disaster scenes such as large industrial disasters, hazmat incidents, and aircraft crash simulation. Total obscuring power (TOP) ten times that of crude oil. Classic Disposable Smoke Generators Persistent smoke can be seen for miles.
Product #DescriptionCsQuantity
SS1ASmoke, 30 Second, 6 Dozen Quanity Discount Available464.79
SS2BSmoke, 1 Minute, 6 Dozen Quanity Discount Available507.04
SS3CSmoke, 3 Minute, 3 Dozen Quanity Discount Available462.68
SSW3CSmoke, 3 Minute Double Wick, 3 Dozen Quanity Discount Available491.20
SS1AFSealpac-5 pack of #1A (10 pk min) Quanity Discount Available464.79
SS1ATSealpac-12 pack of #1A (5 pk min)Quanity Discount Available464.79
SS2BFSealpac-5 pack of #2B (10 pk min) Quanity Discount Available485.92
SS2BTSealpac-12 pack of #2B (5 pk min) Quanity Discount Available496.48
SS3CFSealpac-5 pack of #3C (6 pk min) Quanity Discount Available488.03
SSW3CFSealpac-5 pack of W3C (5 pk min) Quanity Discount Available422.54