High Capacity Petroleum Sorbents

High Capacity Petroleum Sorbents absorb more oil than other leading melt blown sorbents by weight. Because of their high absorption capacity, you won't have to change the sorbent as often, saving you material and labor costs. Available in pads, rolls and booms. Sold by the case.
Product #DescriptionUnitCsQuantity
3MHP-100Roll 38” X 144’ 1/Cs.168.04
3MHP-157Pad 34” X 38”50/Cs.174.15
3MHP-255Pad 07” X 09”50/Cs.81.41
3MP-DC22DDDrum Cover 22”25/Cs.158.70
3MT-12Boom 3” X 12’ 4/Cs.138.48
3MT-240Pillow 7” X 05”10/Cs.181.80
3MT-4Boom 3” X 4’12/Cs.138.48
3MT-8Boom 3” X 8’ 6/Cs.138.48